Sandra Cook

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Sandra Cook Discussions

"Tact is the ability to step on a man's toes without messing up the shine on his shoes." --Harry S. Truman

I know everyone always tells me, summing it up, I think too deep.  I am absolutely disgusted with Culver's.  On Sunday, July 4th of 2021, they decide to market the flavor of the day, "devil's food cake."  On our day of celebrating the freedom we are able to have because of those that stood tall and sacrificed, as well as it being Sunday (the day that is commonly accepted to fellowship with other believers, in the form of church).  

A double in your face from those puppets being utilized by Satan.  Confirmation to me that I will forgive, keep my balls and fight against the evils that is brought before me!!!! Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for your sacrifice, love and mercy!  I love you all!

I am shocked that President George H.W. Bush actually thought the Democrat party would accept the compromise as the final action in raising taxes.  Enough is never enough for that party!  As we see today, as they seek to take all our money and our control!

"Nothing would please the Kremlin more than to have the people of this country choose a second rate president." President Richard Nixon